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The Last Guardian Review PS4

By J K July 23, 2021

Looking for a new game to play? Today we bring you The Last Guardian review PS4 because this game has been a worldwide popular. The Last Guardian review PS4 will tell you a lot of things that you need to know before you play this game. 

Games are always evolving and that it is an industry that is very competitive. The creators of The Last Guardian PS4 has always been one step ahead. Although relatively young, this industry already has its own rules about what types of games will be popular in the market. So, if a large AAA-scale company dares to innovate, this clearly needs to be appreciated. This is what Sony did through The Last Guardian.

Sony has always been a good company that produces high quality games. The Last Guardian review PS4 will talk all about it. And it actually shows in each steps of the game. If you love PS4 games, this may or may not be the right game for you. Let’s jump right in and we will see if this game is worth your bucks or not.

Creators of The Last GuardianThe Last Guardian Review PS4

The Last Guardian is the third game by Fumito Ueda and his team, Gen Design (formerly known as Team Ico). Their previous games, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, were famous for the breakthrough they made on the PlayStation 2, as well as their own artistic value that was not found in many games on the market at the time.

First shown to the general public in the form of a trailer at E3 2009, The Last Guardian was originally intended to be released exclusively for the PS3. However, due to technical difficulties and PS3 limitations, this game was forced to be trapped in something known as development hell, and managed to escape this hell brilliantly. It's just that this game was not released for PS3, and instead is available exclusively for PS4.

Now, after waiting for more than seven years, The Last Guardian has finally appeared before us to answer the reasons for the delay in the game generation and the expectations of potential players. Is The Last Guardian a game that you deserve to play? Find the answer below in our article.

Character Development of The Last Guardian Review PS4

Just like the two previous Ueda games, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian still presents a story that can be interpreted with many meanings. The story in the game is told from the point of view of the boy which plays as the main character. With his voice narrating that he is old like a grandfather who is telling stories to his grandchildren.

This sound is not often heard in games, only appears when a new area or important scene occurs. Most interestingly, this voice also appears to provide clues when players are starting to get confused about the puzzles given by the game.

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Graphics to Expect in The Last Guardian 

The architectural designs and clothing patterns in The Last Guardian look very similar to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, but you won't find any obvious connection between the two previous games. According to Ueda himself, it is possible that the worlds of the three games he developed are the same, but it all depends on the player's imagination.

Trico is a bold innovation. If in other games such as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, or even The Last of Us, AI characters play a fairly important role, then The Last Guardian is re-emphasizing these elements. Players will rely heavily on Trico to complete the challenges at hand, and like other human-made things, Trico's artificial intelligence is very likely to experience errors.

Interestingly, you will find it difficult to distinguish whether Trico is experiencing a bug or is showing off its features that the developer team has made. Trico acts like a real pet. You will be able to call him, play with him, ask him for help, feed him, and also order him to help you get to a place.

Like pets too, Trico doesn't necessarily obey your orders and instead makes a confused expression, asking to be pampered, or fed. This may sound annoying in theory, but anyone who has had pets before is very familiar with this feeling. Adventure with Trico feels really like adventuring with pets, only giant and you will not find in the real world.

You will be annoyed and amazed at the same time by Trico. It's definitely not easy to make artificial intelligence like this, and The Last Guardian has successfully proven it through the figure of Trico.


The Last Guardian is definitely not a game for everyone, but if you're into this game, get ready for one of the best experiences you can find on PS4, and this game is one of the best PS4 story games. This game will make players annoyed, but that is also the advantage of the experience presented.

Judging The Last Guardian from the many aspects that are commonly used to judge a video game is very difficult, because an art does not need validation to provide an experience for its audience. Just like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, which have a lot of annoying design decisions, but are still remembered by those who have played them, I believe that The Last Guardian will also be a similar game.

The Last Guardian is a work of art, and we definitely need to appreciate Sony's courage to continue to support this project through all the crazy years of development it's been through.



Worldwide Studios


Playstation 4






Action, Adventure

If you're looking for a good game, The Last Guardian could be for you, it could also be an experience you hate. But if you're looking for good art, you can choose to spend hundreds of thousands on The Last Guardian, or hundreds of millions on a painting by Jackson Pollock. My personal choice will obviously fall on The Last Guardian.

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